Today I spent at Rainham Marshes helping out with the Gull day but it turned out to be more like raptor day.I started off with six Corn Bunting near the turnstile and as I got near the new hide a message came over the radio that a Female Marsh Harrier was coming towards the hide followed by some crows. A minute or two later it was joined by another Marsh Harrier but a immature male and the female Hen harrier went up as well all at the same time and what with a female Peregrine sitting on one of the plylon it was amazing sight. Later we were treated with fly over Buzzard,6 Snipe and 30 Golden Plover. Now we were all there to watch gulls and Andy T made every one happy by finding a 1st Winter Caspian Gull and a very smart one too.Also of note the Ingrebourne Valley had a couple of Chiffchaff singing which are new in.

Male Reed Bunting

Female Peregrine

Corn Bunting

Marsh Harrier
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