The Dark Room

Monday 27 May 2019

Jackdaw pulli

 Saturday mornings ringing session with Paul Hawkins produced  2 Reed Warbler - our first of the season at our new site, Common Whitethroat, x2 Greenfinch, x2 Robin - both 3j and a couple of Lesser Whitethroats made up the numbers.

Monday 27th May

PH, Louise and myself went out with Paul Roper to colour ring a brood of young Jackdaw. Three gorgeous - see below image,were ringed and coloured ringed as part of a ongoing project.

Sunday 19 May 2019

Ringing chicks

Once again it's been a busy week as last Sunday I was with PH ringing Common, Lesser Whitetroats, Blackcaps, Great tit and a retrap  male Bullfinch that was ringed back in March.

16th May

Made a second visit to Netherhall with PRO, PH and some of the Southern colour ringing group to colour ring Little Egret chicks. 12 Little Egret and 2 bonus Grey Heron were ringed.

Some birds were to small to colour ring.

Little Egret with Me and my happy face.

Grey Heron, please pass on sightings of any colour ringed bird.

Saturday 18th May

Out with PRO, PH and DMo to ring some pullis waders sadly the numbers were very low due to a number of reasons, hopefully 2nd broods will have a better chance?

Ringed Plover above, just 2 were ringed and just 1 Lapwing!

Thanks again lads.......

Monday 6 May 2019


29th April

Went along to Lea Valley water works NR to help out Paul Roper with a ringing demo along with Paul Hawkins and Louise. We processed 36 new birds Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Reed Bunting, Cetti's Warbler and a few Greenfinch added a nice mixed catch, Great to see and speak to some of the local school children that attended and show them some of the birds that we ringed.

Cetti's Warbler

In between a couple of ringing sessions I've added a few new birds for the patch year list. With Wheatear, Little Owl and Swift being the latest birds, which puts me on 101 for the year. Didn't see a Little Owl on the patch last year!

6th May 

A slow session this morning with PH with only 11 birds ringed. Nice to ring our first Lesser Whitethroat of the season though.

Lesser Whitethroat