The Dark Room

Sunday 28 December 2014

Wallasea Island

Although it was a cold and early start this morning it was worth braving the freezing temperature at Wallasea Island Essex. I've only  visited a few times before so it made a very nice change after only birding the Ingrebourne Valley of late.  Hen Harrier, 2 SEO, 3 Marsh Harrier and 60+ Corn Bunting were seen in just the first half hour of light, a real change of fortune as 2 Marsh Harrier were best in a months birding the patch this month!

 I also enjoyed getting the camera out again due to my one being redundant with the lack of birds being seen and it still not working, so thanks Les for letting me use his spare canon 50 d body.

Although I took a hundred or so images here are my two favourites from the session the rest ended up the the bin and thanks to Lee, Monkey, Martin Redfern and my young nephew George for great morning out.....

Female Stonechat

Corn Bunting