The Dark Room

Sunday 25 July 2010

Southern Migrant Hawker

After yesterdays news of Southern Migrant Hawker at Hadleigh Castle Country Park.I thought I would have a look this Morning as did the big crowd already there waiting for the sun to come out, then as it did so did the 3 Hawkers and very smart they are
too.It was like being at a birding twitch there was a bit of banter,stringing and some running around.Brilliant.......Thanks to Bradders for the info.

Scarce Emerald Damselfly

Emperor Dragonfly
The crowd
Marbled White

Thursday 22 July 2010

Ingrebounre Valley

The viewing area Finally had some waders on there Tuesday evening with 8 Green Sandpiper,3 LRP and 2 Little Egrets.Our 12th bird of prey was recorded this year on monday by Les and Dick as they had a Honey Buzzard over.Here are some pictures from sunday evening.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Silver Washed Fritillary

At Hatfield Forest in Essex this morning Jono and I were treated to stunning views of twelve Silver Washed Fritillary.We did not have to walk far from the car either as they were in one of the rides near Lodge coppice.Also loads of others Butterflies species there as well Comma,Ringlet,Red Admiral,Gate Keeper and Large White etc.

Silver Washed Fritillary

Strangalia Maculata

Saturday 10 July 2010

River Warbler

Last night on the way to see the River Warbler ,there was a bit of traffic in Thetford I looked out of the window and said to Paul Boy and Monkey "I think thats a Goshawk " we waited for a couple of minutes whilst we were static and luckily a large female Goshawk flew over the car to give all of us great views.An hour or so later we were at Thorpe Marshes next to Haddiscoe and soon as we were out of the car you could hear it singing but two hours later it would reveal itself to all the hundred birders there at this very organized twitch.Views were not the best but a RIVER WARBLER is now on my list.We also enjoyed views of Barn Owl,Tawny Owl and Kingfisher there.Sorry for not having any photos but bad light being my excuse.

Friday 9 July 2010

Patch Tick

There is nothing like getting a patch tick (a quote from jono). As this morning I had a Common Crossbill calling going over the Main carpark at the Ingrebourne Valley.Also had Hobby,3 Green sandpiper,20 Lapwing etc.

Green Sandpiper

The viewing area is looking good for waders

Wednesday 7 July 2010

White Tailed Plover

A big thank you must go to the finder of todays White Tailed Plover at Rainham Marshes and a friend of mine Sam Shippey well done mate.It was three years ago I went and dipped one in Scotland.Here are some record shots of todays cracker.........

Monday 5 July 2010

Lime Hawk moth

Found this cracking moth in the garden this evening ,its the second one I have found in the garden.Even twitched by some of the lads.

Saturday 3 July 2010

White Letter Hairstreak

This morning I went to the Ingrebourne Valley to see the White Letter Hairstreaks that Dave had found mid week.There were about eight of them always staying at 2 meters high in the Elm Trees.

Female banded demoiselle

Thursday 1 July 2010


Stag Beetle

We had our second Stag Beetle record for the Garden on Tuesday found by my wife.The Ingrebounre Valley has had a couple of Green Sandpipers this week but best of all Dave Mcgoth found some White Letter Hairstreaks near the car park in the Elm trees.