but mostly out ringing
The Dark Room
The Dark Room
Sunday 31 August 2014
With Spot Fly numbers doing well over the valley this weekend (8+) and the Juv Gaganey still hanging around plus 20 Blkwits back on the viewing area due to the water levels dropping down. Wheatear and Whinchat returning to the patch, its been good to just bird locally again but no doubt the highlight this weekend was a Long-eared Owl over at Rainham Marshes found by David Smith Sunday morning. Not clear views but 20 feet away from the path how can you complain...
Wednesday 27 August 2014
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher's were seen daily whilst on our family holiday in Ibiza where these images were taken. Coincidentally I had one on the patch Saturday which puts me on 98 for the patch year list.
Monday 25 August 2014
Juvenile Garganey
After a disappointing sea watch at Canvey point Essex with 2 Arctic Skua being the highlight myself and Paul Hawkins popped in at the Ingrebourne Valley and once again the patch delivers. The Avocet and the Black-tailed Godwits were still present and the cracking and much closer Juvenile Garganey was show nicely at the viewing area.
Mallard on the left and Garganey on the right showing a good size in comparison
Saturday 23 August 2014
Valley birding
In terms of birding the patch its been a good week. It started from last Sunday when I picked up 17 Black-tailed Godwit on the viewing area which was flushed from the Dagenham chase minutes earlier per Steve Drake. The Godwits are a scarce visitor to the valley, so are a welcome patch year tick. Tuesday Dave Mc pulls out a immature Avocet which is only my second record for the site in 19 years and while I'm twitching the Avocet I pick out a female Mandarin Duck which is a Mega patch bird too. Now on Saturday 23rd August the Godwit numbers have increased to a whooping 54! Add in the Juv Garganey, Spot Fly and 2 Wheatear its been a cracking week for the Ingrebourne Valley and its small core of birders......
Saturday 16 August 2014
Audouin's Gull
Whilst on holiday in Ibiza, everyday I saw Audouin's Gulls either from our balcony at our hotel or on the beach but photographing them was not so easy, either the sun was to harsh and I blew the whites and had to dump them in the bin or they just wouldn't play ball for the lens. So here are my best efforts, not what I wanted but my best so far to date. Shame that I only saw Adults too, would of liked to see some Juv's.
Wednesday 13 August 2014
Sunshine and Little Stint not Sanderling
Last week I enjoyed a family holiday in Ibiza in the resort of Santa Eulalia. It was just nice to spend some real quality time with them, so birding was a bit casual but still good. Below are some images of a moulting out Little Stint not Sanderling as first thought near the quay, which put on a good show. Camera base was on the floor for the low angle shots and it was nice to have some clear backgrounds made up by the sea and the afternoon sunshine...
ISO 200 1600/ F 6.3
Sunday 3 August 2014
Oare Marshes
Spent the afternoon down at Oare Marshes Kent yesterday with Dave Morrison and as soon as you get out of the car its like flicking through the Wader section of the Collins Bird Guide. Black-tailed Godwit, Golden Plover, Dunlin, Turnstone, Ruff, Lapwing, Redshank, Avocet and add in 2 smart Curlew Sandpiper were all recorded. Add in a Male Marsh Harrier and Yellow Wagtails zipping over head it was a very nice way to spend the afternoon.
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