The Dark Room

Saturday, 15 May 2010

A day in Kent

Duke of Burgundy
Duke of Burgundy

Lady Orchid

Lady Orchid

Early Purple Orchid

Duke of Burgundy

Saturday morning got picked up by Dick and Steve Bacon for a day in Kent. We first went to see the Iberian Chiffchaff which gave good views at Chatham and was a good year tick. Then onto our main target which was the stunning Duke of Burgundy Butterfly, we saw about ten really nice and my first of the species at Denge Woods. Also there were three types of Orchid Lady, Early and common Blade? which again were new for me .


  1. Common Twayblade, yeah. Nice photos.


  2. Hi Shaun

    Took your advice and took an evening walk of the Valley and was rewarded with smashing views of a Barn Owl, perched on a branch about 10m to the left of the dead tree at 20.10 this evening.
